Write a review of the five (5) recent (2016 or later) peer-reviewed journal articles you included on your literature review matrix table.
Attach is my PICO question and the articles that used for my matric table… Attach is the articles that used. The instructions are as follows and an example of what the professor wants is also attached.
Write a review of the five (5) recent (2016 or later) peer-reviewed journal articles you included on your literature review matrix table.
In inpatient adults with alcohol withdrawal syndrome, does symptom-triggered dosing of a benzodiazepine (BZD) versus fixed-schedule dosing result in lower CIWA-Ar scores and less total BZD use?
Literature Review:
Many of the studies favored the symptom-triggered approach. Several of the articles found that symptom-triggered dosing resulted in less total BZD use and shorter hospitalizations (Hoffman & Weinhouse, 2015; Skinner, 2014; Mirijello et al., 2015; Grgurich et al., 2014; Murdoch & Marsden, 2014; Benson, & Forrest, 2012). Another study found that symptom-triggered therapy resulted in less total BZD use, as well as, shorter duration of use and a reduction in the need of adjunctive medications (Taheri et al., 2014). The work of Hoffman and Weinhouse (2015) found that the symptom-triggered approach resulted in the same or better symptom relief than a fixed-schedule. A study by Duby et al. (2014) focused on critically ill patients and found decreased intensive care unit (ICU) length of stay and less time on mechanical ventilation with symptom-triggered therapy.