Why is there an information overflow? What are the consequences? What is being done to tackle it, and, most importantly, why are not all misinformation spreading bad?
Satirical News as Positive Misinformation in the Infodemic – Finish Literature Review & Conduct Corpus Analysis
1. finish the following sections
a) What is it – refer to the previous sections on implicature/irony & humour theory.
b)What are their effects , what are their linguistic features that set them apart from real hard news & fake news.
c) Why is there an information overflow? What are the consequences? What is being done to tackle it, and, most importantly, why are not all misinformation spreading bad?
2. Conduct a corpus analysis of linguistic features found in around 20 real hard news, 20 fake news, and 20 satirical news on the Coronavirus .
a) NLP of writer’s choice, features to look for are defined in the chapters about the language of real hard news, fake news, and your section about language in satirical news; include “Bag-of-word”, stylometrics, and sentiment analysis!