Why have the number of workers represented by unions fallen in the United States over the last few decades?

Theory of Input Markets and Labor Market Issues

According to the short assigned reading of articles and videos from Module 11, particularly “What’s Behind Union Decline?”, and both “How Unions Help Cocktail Servers”, and “Reagan vs. Patco – The Strike that Busted Unions”, you learned labor unions in the U.S. have declined more than in other countries.

Using the content of these above articles which in part discuss the differences between institutions and policies in in the U.S. and different countries and their effects on the balance of power between workers and employers, as compared to and within the U.S. explain:

a. Why have the number of workers represented by unions fallen in the United States over the last few decades?

b. And, Is globalization by itself, a plausible explanation for the drop in the number of workers represented by unions in the United States over the last few decades; and, if not briefly discuss another explanation discussed in the material from module 11?