Why did the business strategy succeed or fail? How did you set your KPIs and did you manage to achieve them? What problems and issues did you run into?

New Venture Creation

Exactly how you will report your SimVenture results and learning will be up to you. However, you will need to provide evidence to support your case, for example the final Profit and Loss Account and Bank balance, the Team Decision Making Sheets, records of the strategies and plans developed before and after running each quarter/year, etc.

You will not be able to offer an in-depth analysis of every business function, so focus on your specific role within your team. Analyse the impact of the decisions made on the success of the business, for example in terms of your Marketing Strategy, Business Plan, Sales/revenue, Profitability, Costs of supply and production, Cash flow analysis, Staffing, recruitment and training, and Other Resources. Why did the business strategy succeed or fail? How did you set your KPIs and did you manage to achieve them? What problems and issues did you run into? Better reports will also be able to link their decisions and learnings back to theory.

What we are NOT looking for are descriptions of the decisions and a long bullet pointed list, no rational for your decisions and no evidence of analysis, no screenshots from SimVenture, and no link to theory. We are also not interested in a critic of Simventure or a particular team member, but only your learning using this bicycle company case.