Who are female athletes and how they are represented in the media based on appearance rather than ability.

Who are female athletes and how they are represented in the media based on appearance rather than ability.

Focus on intersectionality and sports media.

Your essay is your opportunity to analyze popular culture forms of your choice using an intersectional gender-focused method of analysis.

Content Requirements

Refer to a minimum of 4-6 scholarly sources in your essay, such as academic books or peer-reviewed journal articles.
In addition to your 4-6 scholarly sources:
You may use a maximum of 2 of the assigned course readings
You may use a maximum of 2 Internet references, such as online newspapers, magazines, websites, or blogs.
Peer-reviewed, scholarly articles published online, and peer- reviewed articles accessed through the University Library’s online databases do not count as internet sources as referred to in point a(ii) above, and you may use as many of those as you require.

Wikipedia or similar sources are not scholarly sources.
Cite your sources properly using MLA or APA style. For more detailed instructions on MLA or APA style, please consult the Online Writing Lab at Purdue University.