What was the nature of the culture in which the artist/architect/sculptor produced this object?What was going on in society at this time?

A research essay, based on the British Museum’s 100 objects (For reference, use the google site for the British Museum project 100 objects: https://sites.google.com/site/100objectsbritishmuseum/) that explores the implications of one art object selected from an era and location that you found most interesting. The research essay should be at least 2000 words, one document (pdf, word, or PowerPoint.) Your essay should include the following (in order):

An image of the object

A caption identifying the title of the object, the artist (if known), the culture in which the object was produced, the dimensions of the object, and the current location of the object.

A description of the object–how big, what does it look like, where does it come from, how was it used?

A paragraph that places the object into its cultural context. What was the nature of the culture in which the artist/architect/sculptor produced this object?What was going on in society at this time?

A paragraph or two that compares this object with other objects made at the same time in different parts of the world.

How is this object unique and how is it the same?What do you think that it says about the culture in which it was produced?

A conclusion in which you talk about what the object tells the viewer, and what the object says about the world at this particular time and place.

A list of sources that you consulted. Remember that if you quote, you must cite. Plagiarism can result in a failing grade of Sources should be in the format of Turabian/Chicago footnotes and bibliography. You should google how to cite your sources correctly, especially if they are in the form of web sites. More credit is given if at least two sources are academic articles or books. Keep in mind that if you copy a sentence word for word from a source you MUST put quotes around that sentence and at the end of the sentence in parenthesis or a footnote include name of the author, title of work, journal or magazine, page number or website and date consulted. If your assignment shows up as plagiarized due to lack of citation you will receive a 0 for this assignment.

For reference, use the google site for the British Museum project 100 objects: https://sites.google.com/site/100objectsbritishmuseum/