What methods are appropriate to answering your research question(s)? What data/variables will you use? Where is it from? How will you analyse it?

Fraud in the digital age of accounting

Define the topic through a summary of the general focus / motivation of project that should demonstrate a coherent finance or accounting based approach to the chosen topic. The research question to be investigated should also be clearly explained in this section.
Theoretical and Contextual Literature Review of 10+sources to support the specific theoretical framework, identification of associated studies and methodological approach to be taken to answer your research question(s).
•Methodology to develop the method and data to be used in your analysis and should address issues such as: what methods are appropriate to answering your research question(s)? What data/variables will you use? Where is it from? How will you analyse it?
•In particular, this should include the justification of the empirical techniques that you intend to undertake through outlining their advantages / how they will resolve your research question(s), this should come from the previous chapter on Theoretical and Contextual Literature Review.