What kinds of non-digital technology do you frequently use, or have you frequently used throughout your life? Has there been any specific piece of technology in your life that helped transform the way you think about something in the world?
Your interview can be formal or informal. A formal interview has an established set of questions you have prepared ahead of time and do not deviate much from during the interview. An informal interview involves talking with someone about the topic in a more general way and asking specific questions as topics arise.
Some suggested question you can consider working into a formal or informal interview include:
Do you associate any form of technology with a significant event or time in your life? Tell me more about that event or time.
What kinds of non-digital technology do you frequently use, or have you frequently used throughout your life?
Has there been any specific piece of technology in your life that helped transform the way you think about something in the world?
How do you use technology in your everyday life? Your creative life? Your work life?
Is there any specific digital or non-digital technology you would have a hard time living without? Why?
How has technology changed throughout your life?
Is there any technology you wish had not changed? Why?
Has there been a specific form of technology that contributed to who you are today? Tell me more.
How are you a different, better, worse, enhanced, safer, etc., person when you use a specific form of technology than when you don’t?
How has your self- worth or self-conception been affected by technology?