What is the name of the system you used to determine soil color is called?What does mottling in the subsoil suggest?

Soil Sampling and Survey Assignment

You are to collect soil from 3 different locations, anywhere in Harford County – Sites could include your backyard, a state park, a farm field, literally anywhere where there is soil . Use the shovel to take a sample somewhere between 6-12 inches down.

⦁ If you added organic matter to your above soil sample, would the Munsell color notation change? Explain.

⦁ Bluish-gray colored soils are called gley, and are the color of reduced iron compounds. What does this tell you about the history of a soil with this color?

⦁ What is the name of the system you used to determine soil color is called?

⦁ Define mottling.

⦁ What does mottling in the subsoil suggest?