What is the most important non-academic skill in the Hidden Curriculum (definition in CH 10 of the textbook the related PowerPoint) that a doctor or other health professional should have/develop?

Doctors’ Diaries

Watch the 2 parts of the documentary:

Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfo1nIeoVBs&t=8s

Part2: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4x66BLMlUvBOE9FaVQtSWFsODQ

Updated link for Part 2:


In your opinion, what is the most important non-academic skill in the Hidden Curriculum (definition in CH 10 of the textbook the related PowerPoint) that a doctor or other health professional should have/develop? Explain your reasoning in detail.

Make sure to reference a specific scene (s) from Doctors’ Diaries.

Make sure to define “Hidden Curriculum.”


Assessment of paper:

Answering all that is required of the option you select (you can answer all of the questions in any order as long as it is organized in a logical and coherent manner)

Clarity of discussion and analysis

Inclusion of specific and detailed examples from any sources used for the paper (if applicable)

Make sure to proofread your paper for typos and grammatical errors to ensure that your ideas are clearly stated

Grading Rubric:

Clarity of writing (proofread, grammar) = 2 points
Definition = 3 points
Documentary Scene & application of Hidden Curriculum = 5 points