What is the geographic location of your target market – is it a certain mile radius around your location, regional, national.
Mini Business Plan Assessment
Provide a detailed description of what your good/service/idea does or what is it overall and then:
Share a minimum of 3 features and benefits
If service business, explain the service scape as well and include the physical location of the business. If an online service business, explain service scape relating to your website, customer service, etc.
How does your good/service/idea solve your potential customers’ problems or pain points better than other potential solutions or the competition…is it better performance, customization, design, price, convenience, delivery method, comfort, quality, etc.?
Target Market/Customer Segments: [MARKETING and RESEARCH, chapter 11]
Describe the characteristics of your ideal customers . Remember consumer markets can be segmented by: age, gender, location, income level, educational level, psychographics , and more. Business customers could be segmented by: type of industry, location, business size , technology used, and more.
What is the geographic location of your target market – is it a certain mile radius around your location, regional, national, etc.?
What could be the size of your target market or estimated number of potential customers based on your target market definition?