What is the difference between marketing and sales? What is the AIDA Model, and what does it cause companies to do? What is a brand, and what does intentional corporate branding provide for customers?

This ten (10) question, short-answer, Every quote and idea that came from someone other than you MUST be cited and have a reference

What is the difference between marketing and sales?

What is the AIDA Model, and what does it cause companies to do?

What is a brand, and what does intentional corporate branding provide for customers?

What are some reasons that employees must “Velcro themselves” to current and prospective customers?

What is the marketing mix, and how does it help with marketing decisions in the organization?

Who cares about coupons? Why do customers fall in love with them?

What is mobile commerce, and what role does it already play in the success of many organizations?

Green washing is becoming more and more prevalent. What is it, and why is it an issue?

Is forecasting the future easy and accurate? What should be done about this?

What does product differentiation have to do with corporate risk?