What if an option to buy another system presents itself in the future?
Cost of Ownership Analysis
When conducting a cost of ownership analysis, you should consider present and future costs. For instance, what if an option to buy another system presents itself in the future? Make sure to also include a comparison of maintenance and other internal costs versus those that would be incurred if you chose to buy. See below for a standard COO template.
Interface Design Specs, Flowcharts/ERDs, Systems Architecture Model, and Scrum Plan
Now is the time to go back to the use cases that you created and think about the most logical layout and order of the screens. Remember — you want the system to be easily navigated by the staff, while also providing the functionality that they requested. Check out the “Text and Video Resources” below for guidance to help you get started. Please refer to the schedule frequently to ensure that you’re handing in deliverables on time.