What drew people to Nevada in the past and what draws people there today?What power does a state really have when the federal government owns over 75% of the land in the state?

List the names of the: Governor, Lt. Governor, one U.S. Senator, two U.S. Congresspersons, and the mayors of two Nevada cities .

⦁ In at least one paragraph, but no more that ½ page, take ANY one of these questions and ANY item or time from Nevada’s History and summarize your perceptions of how the people or government addressed or are currently addressing this question
⦁ What drew people to Nevada in the past and what draws people there today?
⦁ Can a state survive economically when it bases its economy on one industry?
⦁ What power does a state really have when the federal government owns over 75% of the land in the state?

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