What does the brand’s marketing communications strategy comprise and how could it be changed to alter consumers’ perception of the brand?

Your task is to develop a new/updated branding strategy for the brand you have chosen. Your recommendations will be included in a written report and must be fully justified and viable.

Both your analysis and re-launch strategy should consider the UK market only.

Choose one of the following brands, all have had a challenging year:

Alfa Romeo

The following list might help give you some ideas to consider when analysing your chosen brand and developing a new branding strategy for it:

Brand awareness and image – are consumers sufficiently aware of the brand (and its entire product range) and do they hold strong, favourable and unique associations for it?
Brand positioning – how is the brand currently positioned and should this position be shifted to attract a different target group?
Secondary brand associations – could the brand benefit from association with other brands, causes, people, etc.?
Brand elements – do the brand element require an update and if yes, how could that be achieved?
Brand evolution over time – has the brand evolved successfully to meet market changes? Should the branding strategy be based on the brand’s heritage, or be modernised completely?
Brand extensions – could the brand extend successfully into new categories?
Pricing strategies and tactics – does the brand’s pricing strategy correspond to its chosen market, and does it need updating?
Product strategies and tactics – what is the current product strategy and could it be improved ?
Channel strategies and tactics – should the brand develop better distribution policies and partners?
Promotional strategies and tactics – what does the brand’s marketing communications strategy comprise and how could it be changed to alter consumers’ perception of the brand?