What do you think are the pros and cons of this article? What did you agree on and what did you not agree about the article? How would you have done this research differently?

Read the article posted below:

Fruehwirth, J.C., Gorman, B. I., & Perreira, K. M.). The Effect of Social and Stress-Related Factors on Alcohol Use
Among College Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Journal of Adolescent Health, 69557-565.
The Effect of Social and Stress-Related Factors on Alcohol Use Among College Students During COVID-19 Pandemic-2021.pdf Download The Effect of Social and Stress-Related Factors on Alcohol Use Among College Students During COVID-19 Pandemic-2021.pdf
Expected length: minimum 2 full-page.
Total points possible: 20 points

The assignment should include the following:

1. Summary of the article

Recommendations for future research
2. Critique

What do you think are the pros and cons of this article?
What did you agree on and what did you not agree about the article?
How would you have done this research differently?
3. Personal reflection

How has this article changed your views on this topic?
Format spelling/grammar/font etc.

Content, clarity, sentence structure, etc. of your work in writing this assignment.