What do these graphs tell you about the evolution of brain volume? What questions does this raise? How would you frame these as hypotheses? How would you test them?
⦁ In pairs, identify and agree the brow ridge and mastoid process .
⦁ Lay your head on a piece of A3 paper. Get a friend to draw round your head
⦁ Extend your line to where you agreed the mastoid process is
⦁ Add a cross to your drawing such that you have one line running from the brow ridge to the back of the skull and one line running from the mastoid process to the top of the skull . The two lines need to be at approximately 90° to each other
⦁ Add your estimate of brain volume, your sex, and your height to the spreadsheet at the front and copy all results to table 2.2 on the next page
⦁ Repeat the measurement process with a number of the replica skulls. Again transfer your results to the spreadsheet and add all results to table 2.2
⦁ Repeat the measurement process with the skull images in Figure 2.2. Again transfer your results to the spreadsheet and add all results to table 2.2
⦁ Plot these data on the graph paper provided in an appropriate manner . For the class data you should also separately plot estimated brain volume against height.
⦁ What do these graphs tell you about the evolution of brain volume? What questions does this raise? How would you frame these as hypotheses? How would you test them?