What are the two tabs located at the bottom of the SPSS Data file on the bottom left? Describe what you see under each tab.
Getting to Know SPSS
In order to use this data, you must have viewed the videos under Start here day 1 activities first. Then, make sure you read all questions before you get started so that you understand what is being asked of you.
Retrieve the data you have saved for this assignment.
What are the two tabs located at the bottom of the SPSS Data file on the bottom left?
Describe what you see under each tab.
Under the “variable view” tab is this level of measurement accurate? Explain your answer.
When you ask SPSS to do a function, what is the name of the second window that comes up?
When you are working in SPSS, you have two files open at all times, what must you do at the end of your work and why?