What are the steps in the hero’s/heroine’s formation? What in particular advocates certain qualities of mind and action?
The Hero (es)/Heroine(s): Who is presented as hero/heroine in the work? What heroic qualities does he/she possess? Does he/she partially fail? How does he/she develop as a hero/heroine? What are the steps in the hero’s/heroine’s formation? What in particular advocates certain qualities of mind and action? This approach is a way of discussing an author or culture’s conception of goodness. You may, if you wish, deconstruct the image of the hero by showing how the author gives contradictory moral imperatives.
• The Political Implications: What are the political implications of the work? Who in the work is powerful and powerless? Does the text approve of the status quo? Does it advocate or depict revolution? Does the text cry out for change? Does the text leave mixed messages?