What are the most critical factors needed for teams to work effectively? How can these factors be applied in a practical, everyday manner in the context of a virtual team?
The Role of Communication & Trust for Effective Virtual Teams
Teamwork and effective methods of people working together in organizations have been studied extensively for decades. But with the advent of Internet technology that allows teams to work virtually and rarely meet together, new dynamics within teams have emerged that have only been studied until recently.
Read the scholarly articles below.
Then answer the following questions:
What are the most critical factors needed for teams to work effectively?
How can these factors be applied in a practical, everyday manner in the context of a virtual team?
The researchers argue that “a social network approach is potentially more appropriate than attribute-based approaches.” What does this mean?
What is a “mediating model” as described by the researchers?
How can you apply this research to your role as a team member in this course?