What are the management, organizational, and technology challenges posed by self-driving car technology?
The accidents self-driving cars have experienced so far point to the need to create a dependable standard for measuring reliability and safety. In 2018, twenty-nine states have enacted legislation regulating autonomous vehicles, with a few states requiring a safety driver always be in the car ready to take control. U.S. federal regulators have delayed formulating an overarching set of self-driving car standards, leaving a gap for the states to fill. The federal government self-driving car tis only now poised to create its first law for autonomous vehicles. This law is similar to Arizona’s and would allow hundreds of thousands of driverless cars to be deployed within a few years and would restrict states from putting up hurdles for the industry.
Case Study Questions 1.
What are the management, organizational, and technology challenges posed by self-driving car technology?
Are self-driving cars good business investments? Explain your answer.
What ethical and social issues are raised by self-driving car technology?
Will cars really be able to drive themselves without human operators? Should they?