What are natural resources and how do we use them? How has our use of natural resources changed over time? How does the use of natural resources impact our environment?

Gardening and Animal Domestication

SCI 218 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
The final project for this course is the creation of a paper that will be a comprehensive personal reflection and action plan focused on personal natural
resource use.
This project will assess your mastery with respect to the following course outcomes:
What are natural resources and how do we use them?
How has our use of natural resources changed over time?
How does the use of natural resources impact our environment?
o Apply scientific principles to make informed decisions about resource use
o Recognize and act on essential components of academic integrity
o Examine students’ perspectives of how they fit into the world community
o Examine students’ responsibility as stewards of the environment
Identify important connections between human and resource use
Become proficient at integrating and applying skills learned to everyday life
Demonstrate awareness of how natural resource use impacts their daily lives