Was your country a net giver or receiver of unilateral transfers?Are there any major differences between the GDP and GNI rankings? What do these differences imply?
ta In this question you will GDP per Person GNI per Person study the official macroeconomic statistics reported in your country. These can be found by searching the web for “National Accounts” and your country’s name. In the United States, these can be found at http://www.bea.gov and by accessing the National Income and Product Account .
a. Using annual data, compute GDP, GNE, and GNDI in the most recent year.
b. Was your country’s GDP higher or lower than its GNE in the past year? Interpret this finding.
c. Was your country’s GNI higher or lower than its GDP? Interpret this finding.
d. Was your country a net giver or receiver of unilateral transfers?
2. To the right is a partial table of OECD mem ber countries using data from the World Bank, with the countries ranked according to their GDP per capita in 2014 . Compute the ratio of GNI to GDP in each case. What does this imply about net factor income from abroad in each country? Compute the GNI rankings of these countries. Are there any major differences between the GDP and GNI rankings? What do these differences imply?