Should California require high schools to start no earlier than 8:30 am?
Should California require high schools to start no earlier than 8:30 am?
• Start with a hook.
• Include background information such as a brief history of the issue and/or an explanation of why this topic is relevant.
• End your introduction with your “Although… because” thesis statement.
Body Paragraphs
• Your body paragraphs should begin with a clear topic sentence, should follow the sequence of topics indicated by your forecast, and should build to your strongest point.
• Body paragraph 1 should address your opponents’ strongest argument and should develop this opposing view for at least 5 sentences in order to show that you understand their point. Then your first body paragraph should undermine the counter argument in 1 of 2 ways:
1. Accommodate the opposing view by agreeing with it but explaining why this doesn’t change your position.
2. Refute the opposing view by disagreeing with it.
• Body paragraph 2 would argue that vending machines are dangerous.
• Body paragraph 3 would argue that vending machines are unhealthy.
• Body paragraph 4 would argue that vending machines are expensive.
• Your arguments should be supported by smoothly integrated and appropriately cited evidence.
• If you wish to develop your essay further, you can add more counter arguments ; you can add more reasons; and/or you can add more support for your reasons. It’s okay to have more than one paragraph per reason as long as your body paragraphs match your forecast.