Review the training videos for guidance with identifying/coding themes in qualitative data.  

Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design
John W. Creswell; Cheryl N. Poth

Navigate to the NVivo website and click “Try NVivo” to install/activate a 14-day trial of the software.

Review the training videos for guidance with identifying/coding themes in qualitative data.

From the qualitative data source that you selected week.
“ The Relationship Between Leaderships Style and Organizational Culture” Use NVivo to create a foundational review of the primary themes from the transcript.  Assume that you are conducting a secondary analysis of the data to use as supporting material in your dissertation proposal.  Revise the first sections of your proposal to include the thematic summary supporting your proposed research.  Be sure to include the appropriate APA formatting/attribution for figures in your narrative.  Resubmit your proposal with the new information included.