Provide a critique of the modern slavery Act 2015,and how it has applied so far,The main focus should be in section 54 of the Act .

International Human Trafficking law

In the context of one of the area of human trafficking listed below, undertake a critical assessment of the effectiveness of transnational legal frameworks ,underpining the obligations of prevention, prosecution and protection

Choose any one among the five and also any country of your choice

1 for sexual expoloitation
2 for forced bonded labour or depth bondage
3 for involuntary domestic servitude
4 for forced conscription during times of war and political conflict
5 for human organs and tissues

2 Provide a critique of the modern slavery Act 2015,and how it has applied so far,The main focus should be in section 54 of the Act .

GUIDE for writing the assessment
1 for this purpose you can focus on any country of your choice

2 Draw upon the U S Department of state 2021 Trafficking in persons report including the conutry narratives.