List a minimum of 10 risk directly associated with the goal, purpose, or outcomes of the project.
Risk Register Template (Attached)
List a minimum of 10 risk directly associated with the goal, purpose, or outcomes of the project. Risks, positive or negative, must be specific to the project and defendable as a viable risk. At a minimum, 30% of the listed risks should be positive (i.e., if you have 10 risks, at least three should be positive).
Risks should be listed in order of importance or criticality. R1 should be more impactful to the project than R5.
Risk categories should correspond to those listed in Heldman et al. Chapter 6. Technical, Quality, and Performance, Project management, Organizational, and External. (Attached- Chapter 6 – pages 91-106)
Risk Response Strategies should correspond to those listed in Heldman et al. Chapter 6 and be appropriate for the type of risk (Threat or Opportunity).