Interpret the piece of evidence you chose. What is it saying? What insight does it have to offer your reader?
The Power of Meaning Essay Outline
Your body paragraphs are places for you to present evidence to support your thesis.
Each body paragraph matters. What evidence do you need to show your reader in order to convince them that your thesis is true — that the pillar you chose is important for people to cultivate to meet this moment. Each body paragraph will need to contain a thoughtful topic sentence that supports the thesis, evidence, and analysis. Creating a
successful outline means opening up your book / looking at your annotations to find the most important pieces of evidence to include in your essay. You can use evidence from any part of the book we’ve read so far, just make sure it supports your thesis that is focused on a single pillar.
Body Paragraph #1
Your first piece of evidence. What is the first piece of evidence you want to share
with your reader?
● A full paragraph summarizing the pillar you are focusing on?
● Your personal connection to the pillar? Or personal analysis of why this pillar
is needed right now .
● A specific piece of evidence from The Power of Meaning that you either quote
or paraphrase.
● Choose one.
1. Topic Sentence. What will this paragraph be about? 1-2 sentences:
2. Specific piece of evidence to support your topic sentence: Direct quote,
paraphrase, or summary from The Power of Meaning, personal experience, etc.
3. Interpret and analyze this evidence. Interpret the piece of evidence you chose.
What is it saying? What insight does it have to offer your reader?
4. Make connections back to your argument and purpose. How does this piece of
evidence show the importance of your pillar? How does it support your thesis