In what ways might COVID have impacted international business?Identify and discuss 3 impacts.
BMBA 5031 – Fall 2021
Mid-term Exam Question
Want you to use your knowledge of what you’ve read, plus outside resources to answer the question that will present to you, below. Also, if you would like for me to do a quick review of your draft (has to be a couple of days prior to the due date),will be happy to do a quick review of your attempt. In other words,will be happy to be a coach for you! Review the instructions and the grading rubric carefully. If it were me,would think about the question being asked and come up with what believe to be the three major points that are germane to answering the question, then begin writing. Also, would encourage you to get through the chapter materials assigned before attempting to finalize your mid-term!
One other suggestion: many students have found it helpful to draft out the discussion of the three points before actually writing the introduction!
Here is the question:
As a result of many factors, technological advances being probably the most major one, international business commerce has exploded over the last 30 years. For many companies and countries, this has been a game changer. As with anything, numerous problems also have come to light, including international legal challenges, social justice issues, and a recognition that not all countries and companies are playing on a level playing field. Further, countries and companies have had to adapt and (hopefully) be mindful and respectful of the different country and regional cultures.
In what ways might COVID have impacted international business?Identify and discuss 3 impacts.
Is the individual impact a good or bad thing? Why?
One more thought: Want to know YOUR thoughts, not Mr. Google’s thoughts. While you can certainly get ideas from Google, remember that your answer needs to be tailored specifically to our class readings and videos!
Note: A good answer will thoroughly discuss three points (see instructions in MB2). Also, in your answer, Should see evidence that you have read the chapters and watched the videos that you were asked to do. Make sure you cite your sources!!!! Will be grading you on the strength of your arguments, not whether agree with your argument or not.