In what order will you state the product characteristics to support your report?

iPhone 12: The Negative Impact on the Environment

Essay 3 Assignment Sheet

The essay must be 6 complete paragraphs in length.

The essay must be formatted using MLA format.

Two secondary sources should be used to develop and support your thesis sentence.

Each source should be incorporated at least two times (one quote and one paraphrase) and cited in text and on the Works Cited page.

Sources should be reputable. At least one source must come from the library databases.

Write a 6 paragraph argumentative consumer report essay, written in formal, academic language where you defend a claim about one of the following topics.

Choose one specific vehicle and write a consumer report where you convince your reader that this is a good or bad vehicle.

Choose one specific appliance and write a consumer report where you convince your reader that this is a useful or not useful appliance.

Choose one specific technology item and write a consumer report where you convince your reader that this is a valuable or not valuable item.

SPECIFIC means including a brand/model/year of the product to be reviewed.
Approach this essay using the writing process:

Pre-write: BEFORE YOU RESEARCH, choose a topic and jot down anything that comes to mind, positive or negative, about the product. Do not worry about grammar or organization. Identify the most important aspects on which you would judge this product. Get down all your notes on what you already know about the product
Include a specific claim and introduce the main topics of the paragraphs.

The claim should identify the product and your judgement of the product’s value.

The main paragraph topics should be the three main product characteristics you will evaluate to support your stance.

Outline: make up a topic sentence for each body paragraph. The first body paragraph should be about opposition views, the next three should be your main topics. Return to your pre-writing and decide which ideas, details, and examples match each topic. How will you organize the paragraphs? In what order will you state the product characteristics to support your report?

Make an order for your body paragraphs and jot down some of the main topics to be covered in those paragraphs.

Research: begin searching for two sources that will help you develop your report. You may choose your own REPUTABLE sources; at least one must come from the databases. How will the outside source help you? Will you use it to support point(s) or to sum up opposition point(s)? Look for facts, quotes, examples, etc. that can help further develop your body paragraphs. You must find at least one direct quote and one paraphrased idea from each source to incorporate into your paper. Pay close attention to which words and ideas come from the article; they MUST BE CITED in text, and the article must be cited on the Works Cited page.

Draft: start writing the body paragraphs. Remember to include a topic, at least three main details, and a concluding sentence that links the topic to the central claim in your thesis. After the body is complete, write the intro and conclusion paragraphs.