Identify the location and date of the last annual shareholders’ meeting.Does the company hold online (virtual) or “bricks and mortar” shareholders’ meetings?
Elaborating a Full Business report on an assigned company
Basic Company Facts
How many board members are on the company’s current Board of Directors?
What is the proportion (either # or %) of male vs. female directors?
Using the ticker symbol provided, check Google finance or the stock market for the market capitalization (market cap) of your company. Market capitalization is the total dollar market value of all of the company’s outstanding shares and is used by the investment community as a measure of company size.
Indicate the amount of current market capitalization (market cap.) for your company and the date on which you obtained this information.
The company’s leadership addresses the shareholders, typically, at the annual stockholders meeting.
Identify the location and date of the last annual shareholders’ meeting.Does the company hold online (virtual) or “bricks and mortar” shareholders’ meetings?
Does your company describe its corporate governance practices in its annual report or on its website? What are the benefits of providing this information?