Identify the key modifications implemented by electricity organisations in Bahrain in response to the major challenges arising due to the adoption of decentralised models of energy production,offering suitable solutions to resolve them.

About the project

If the information required below is provided in a succinct form in a previous document, such as your application for external funding or for approval of the project you may submit this document (or preferably the relevant section from it) either in whole or partial answer to the questions below.

What are the aims and objectives of the project (maximum 250 words)?

The study will evaluate innovations employed by energy organisations across Bahrain to meet end users’ energy demands, concentrating on the innovation used when using the decentralised model of electricity production. The aim of the study will also be to reveal facilitators and barriers to the transition of energy models and how innovation management can reveal and address different challenges.


This study will seek to:

Understand and analyse current and emerging challenges encountered by electricity organisations in Bahrain during the process of transitioning from a centralised to a decentralised model.

Identify the key modifications implemented by electricity organisations in Bahrain in response to the major challenges arising due to the adoption of decentralised models of energy production,offering suitable solutions to resolve them.

Explore and analyse the external and internal factors that hinder the implementation of effective innovation management.

Briefly describe the principal methods, the sources of data or evidence to be used and the number and type of research participants who will be recruited to the project (maximum 500 words).