Identify members of the interprofessional team that will be vital for addressing this issue.

Topic : Creating a Just Culture

Follow these instructions for writing your Issues Facing Healthcare Leaders Paper. Keep the paper within a 10-12 page limit (excluding title page, abstract, attachments, and reference list). The paper should include at least 12 references*, including at least one non-nursing reference, and address all of the following criteria.

We have developed Library pages that are specific for this course. They include things such as resources related to your assignments, the ways of knowing, and more! Please refer to the Library’s Course Page (Links to an external site.) for assistance.

Note: Scholarly literature (including scholarly articles, white papers, and scholarly websites) integrated within this paper should come from the most current nursing or related literature (published no more than 5 years ago); however, older works may be included if it is a seminal source or where there is a gap in the literature.


Title Page

Introduction (not labeled as such in APA format) – 5 points
Introduce the topic of the paper.
Include a thesis statement that describes the purpose of the paper.
Scope of Issue – Apply critical analysis to the issue – 20 points
Provide a description of this issue
Synthesize current literature regarding this issue
Why you think it is such a vital issue at this time and for the future.
Describe how addressing this issue will improve healthcare outcomes.
Nursing’s Role – 10 points
Discuss the role of nursing related to this issue.
Describe the ethical considerations facing nursing concerning this issue.
Relate what nursing leaders are currently doing with regards to this issue.
Discuss why nursing leadership needs to further address this issue.
Leadership – 10 points
Describe aspects of effective leadership.
Discuss what leadership strategies need to be employed to address this issue.
Describe how you will garner support for the proposed solutions.
Interprofessional Collaboration – 10 points
Describe how interprofessional collaboration will be needed to address this issue.
Identify members of the interprofessional team that will be vital for addressing this issue.
Solutions – 25 points
Propose 3 innovative solutions to the issue that are based on evidence and best practices.
Create goals and strategies related to each solution.
Describe the metrics that will be used to measure the success of these solutions.
Discuss how addressing this issue will contribute to a better model of healthcare.
Conclusion (less than a page). Present a brief and succinct description of the key elements of the paper.
Integration of Evidence and Theory – 10 points
Integrate credible, relevant sources to support ideas appropriate for the assignment.

Consistently use information in ways that are true to original context. Always distinguish between own ideas or common knowledge and ideas requiring attribution.

Scholarly articles integrated within the paper meet the following standards:
Provide the required number of references (minimum of 12)
Most nursing-specific or nursing-related
Provide the required number of references from a discipline outside nursing (minimum of 1).
Published within 5 years OR published beyond 5 years if seminal source or gap in the literature.
Organization, writing style, grammar, usage, mechanics, formatting, and length – 10 points
Follow APA Guidelines for title page, abstract, headings and subheadings, citations, and references. The presentation and style of the paper are consistent with scholarly work and reflect use of APA format (7th ed.) Page Limit: 10-12 pages
Use clear structure as outlined in the assignment with all components present, including brief and succinct abstract, introduction, and conclusion.
Use straightforward, clear, concise, nearly error-free language that conveys meaning to readers.
Conform to APA formatting standards, with only minor deviations.