Identify each article and provide a brief summary as well as a critique about why this is or is not useful for your decision making and why.
1. Start with the PICO and the reason you are interested in the topic.
2.) Tell us what topics and search engines you used and the results of each search. Ex. Used the terms ” ” and ” ” in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Ten articles were found but only five were applicable to my patient population etc.
3.) Identify each article and provide a brief summary as well as a critique about why this is or is not useful for your decision making and why.
4.) Put a line/space between each article so it is easier to read and comprehend your comments.
5.) End with an overall summary with the advice you would give your Cochrane Database.
6.) Share your results with your preceptor with suggestions for change in protocols as necessary. Describe the outcome.