How would you go about setting up the focus groups? What are the primary issues on which you would concentrate with the focus groups?

Recognizing Opportunities and Generating Ideas
Textbook: Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures, 6th Edition. Barringer and Ireland. Published by Pearson/Prentice-Hall.
1. Read Chapter Two Notes
2. Chapter Reflection/Summary :
A summary of the main chapter points using your own words and a brief personal reflection of what was personally most interesting or useful to you from the chapter.
3. Answer the Application Question below :
Imagine that you’ve been hired by Fitbit, the wearable activity tracker, to conduct focus groups on your campus to get a better sense of how Fitbit can be as relevant and useful to college students as possible . How would you go about setting up the focus groups? What are the primary issues on which you would concentrate with the focus groups?