How well does this regression analysis explain the ratings? Should the executives count on the results from this analysis? Justify your answers referring to the relevant figures.

Your answer should include the following:
a) The null and alternative hypotheses .
b)The test results: Run the test using Excel and include the output table. Use a t-test assuming equal variances.
c)What is your recommendation to the executives? Justify your answer referring to the relevant figures.
5) Run a multiple regression where the dependent variable is ratings and the independent variables are star and fact. Use data from CBC only. CBC Management has several questions:
a)Executives wish to know how much being fact-based or having one star contributes to a movies rating. What can you tell them about this?
b)Are either, both, or neither of the independent variables significantly related to the ratings at 95% confidence? Justify your answers referring to the relevant figures.
c)How well does this regression analysis explain the ratings? Should the executives count on the results from this analysis? Justify your answers referring to the relevant figures.