How seriously did the author treat counterarguments?How convincing is the author’s own argument?
End The War On Black Americans: A Call To Defund The Police
This is a persuasive essay. The position for the paper is FOR Defunding The Police to protect Black communities.Would like for the writer to talk about the systemic and institutional racism in policing in America as a reason to defund the police.
Here is the grading break down:
Thesis (15%): How clear and relevant was your argument, and how did you back it up with evidence?
Analysis (20%): Did you give a relatively complete account of the topic? How much thought did you put into adequately discussing and analyzing the relevant theories and evidence? Did your paper go into much depth? Or did it just scratch the surface? The point is to establish, using evidence and argumentation, the relevance of your project: Why is it important to study? What can we learn from it?
Argumentation (30%): How thoroughly did the paper identify the different sides of the argument?
How seriously did the author treat counterarguments?How convincing is the author’s own argument?
Sources (15%): How appropriate were the sources that you used? How well did your sources back up your arguments? Did you cite enough sources?
The following link may be useful to understand the goal of defunding the police.