How long does it take Sirius to just barely move off the Main Sequence ? At this point, what are the measurements of temperature, brightness, stage, and mass?

Working with a star twice our Sun’s mass . An example is Sirius, the dog star, is a nearby star that is about twice our Sun’s mass.
5. On the lower left of the simulation is the option to set the mass to 2 times our Sun’s;
do that by choosing 2X. Is it still on the Main Sequence? If so, what are it’s
temperature (x-axis), brightness (y-axis), stage, and mass?
6. How long does it take Sirius to just barely move off the Main Sequence ? At this point, what are the measurements of temperature, brightness, stage, and mass?
7. Stop the simulation or click on the dotted line at the highest temperature  what is the temperature here? Why?
8. At the end of the life cycle path, what how old is Sirius and what are its measurements ?