How is Irene bound by race? What other characters are bound and suffocated by race, how is their experience different from Irene’s?

In Passing by Nella Larsen, Irene Redfield proclaims, “Race! The thing that bound and suffocated her.” How is Irene bound by race? What other characters are bound and suffocated by race, how is their experience different from Irene’s?

A reading response is a 2-3pg response to the question above. The purpose of these responses is to get you thinking critically about our readings. As well, they function as practice building literary arguments. Be sure to support your assertions with direct quotes from the text. This is vital for building a solid argument.

You must have a thesis statement that argues the position you are taking on the readings.

This paper is not a summary. Do not write an overview of the book. If you need a summary to help you write, limit it to one paragraph. Do not use long quotes  as this is a 3-page paper. If you do need to use a long quote, limit it to just one.

Format for Assignments
Unless otherwise indicated, all Reading Responses should be submitted typed, double-spaced, in a standard 12-point font, with one-inch margins and numbered pages. Documentation and citations should conform to MLA specifications. Assignments submitted electronically should be similarly formatted and submitted as a Microsoft Word file. Assignments submitted in other formats will be considered late . Name your electronic submissions as follows: Yourlastname_Onewordassignmentname.

Links for MLA Format