How does gender intersect with other identity categories such as ability,age,country of origin,race,religion,sexual orientation, size and social class.


Prompt: Students will analyze a memoir using the questions outlined below to examine intersectionality and systems of power/privilege/inequality while creating meaningful connections between the authors’ and their own lived experiences.


An introduction paragraph

How does the author’s gender impact their lived experiences?

How does gender intersect with other identity categories such as ability,age,country of origin,race,religion,sexual orientation, size and social class etc.

How have the author’s lived experiences been shaped by systems of power/privilege/inequality? How has their lived experiences gone against the “mythic norm” when it comes to systems of power/privilege/inequality?

How does the author’s lived experiences compare to your own experiences?

What did you learn about gender, sex, and power reading this book?

A conclusion paragraph that ties the paper together

Paper Requirements:

5-7 pages, not including the works cited page.
Answers to the questions listed above for the body of the paper
MLA formatted, typed, double-spaced, 12 pt. font, 1-inch margins.
Make sure to include a title for your essay, page numbers, and a “Name Block” in the top left corner all according to MLA formatting.
Minimum of three quotes from any of the assigned readings so far in class.
Minimum of three quotes from the primary source book chosen.
A works cited page that includes all works you are quoting in the paper.