How can an evaluator utilize a logic model to make certain the evaluation researchers and assess the most critical content related to the organization?

This position has a key role in maintaining the financial viability of USBC, hence would be vested in evaluation findings of the USBC’s revenue stream and expenses.

Camille Abbe, Campaign and Convening Manager

712 H. St. NE Suite 1738, Washington, DC 20002


This position has a stake in what the content of the conference is and plays a key role in maintaining funding for USBC, and should be vested in the evaluation results of the educational offerings as well as financial viability.

They provided a foundation grant as funding, hence they would be interested in how the grant funding is being utilized.

For the “…focus of the evaluation through the lens of the logic model” question you need to explain how a logic model is a necessary tool to make certain the evaluation remains organized. How can an evaluator utilize a logic model to make certain the evaluation researchers and assess the most critical content related to the organization?