Find the policies, procedures, and guidelines that ensure your organization address the above noted Joint Commission stated responsibilities. Write a briefing note that you might send to the manager of your risk management department titled Managing the Forensic Patient.
Managing the Forensic Patient
Write a briefing note directed to the person that might be your Manager of Risk Management outlining how your organization is meeting The Joint Commission Standards related to forensic patients.
Research your workplace setting to determine if you are working in a Joint Commission accredited organization.
If your organization is accredited follow Assignment A.
If your organization is not accredited or you are not working in a non-accredited healthcare setting follow Assignment B.
Find the policies, procedures, and guidelines that ensure your organization address the above noted Joint Commission stated responsibilities. Write a briefing note that you might send to the manager of your risk management department titled Managing the Forensic Patient. Outline the standards noted above with a brief description of the highlights of how your organization has addressed these standards.