Find at least 3 recent (no earlier than 2018) as well as credible news articles or editorials that refer to the topic.
Crypto currency
Articulate your response in the form of a position paper. Refrain from political rhetoric and, instead, focus on the economic impact. Here is a useful position paper template: (Links to an external site.)
You may NOT answer “BOTH” in your response. If you do, the score will be a zero. Pick a single position.
Find at least 3 recent (no earlier than 2018) as well as credible news articles or editorials that refer to the topic.
Make sure the article/editorial is from a reputable source, not e.g. a blog written by someone with a bias and a personal point to make. If you are unsure if the source is reputable/credible, please go over the NVC Library Guides/tutorials at this link. (Links to an external site.)
You get 10 points (30 maximum points instead of 20) extra credit on the paper outline grade if you book a librarian. (Links to an external site.)
Summarize your findings in an essay format, consisting of a minimum of 600 words (of content), according to the MLA format style. For additional MLA assistance, visit: (Links to an external site.)
In addition to referencing material from outside sources, be sure to include any relevant personal/work experience. The NVC Library has created a dedicated site for this paper at: (Links to an external site.)
You must submit the assignment by uploading it into Canvas. Only Word .doc (or .docx) and .pdf formats are allowed.
You will use a plagiarism checker (called Turnitin). Instructions for that will be provided shortly. The checker provides a matching score (%) for what is written by you versus written by someone else. A maximum of 20% matching will be allowed. Any number higher than 20% will be scored a zero. You are responsible for making sure the percentage is less than 20% (do not ask the instructor to check it for you).
Paper outline (100 words minimum)