Explore the steps of “Analyze Learners and Contexts” and “Write Performance Objectives” in the Dick & Carey model.
Analyzing Learners and Contexts • Writing Performance Objectives
This week, we will explore the steps of “Analyze Learners and Contexts” and “Write Performance Objectives” in the Dick & Carey model.
First, we will switch our attention to the learners, the contexts in which they will acquire knowledge and skills, and the environment in which they will perform the skills and knowledge. A performance objective needs to have three parts: Condition , Behavior (B), and Criteria (CR). Table 6.2 (p. 121) in the textbook is a good resource when writing performance objectives. Keep in mind, the behaviors in your performance objectives need to be measurable and achievable. Bloom Taxonomy is a good resource for you to identify action verbs that can be applied to course assignments.
After completing this week, you should be able to:
Examine the three components needed to create a learning objective.
Create learning objectives that are aligned with instructional goals.
Reading and Resources