Explore the data provided in order to gain an understanding of the information required by your organisation.

Using excel sheet attached with data . In the sheet we have a tab called key with questions. From there we need to choose a minimum of 6 questions that we will analyze  so that we can see from the data provided which country is better to open a business in. And we need to analyse the data and give recommendations.
Your tasks:
1. Analyse data .  minimum 6 questions/keys questions examples glean 31.03
a. Explore the data provided in order to gain an understanding of the information required by your organisation.
b. Select the questions you wish to analyse to provide the information required .
c. Analyse the data for your selected questions using appropriate summary statistic.
d. Highlight interesting findings.
e. Make recommendations to the your organisation about the possible impact of these factors on the operations/success of the organization.