Explain your strengths and weaknesses whilst dealing with your studies. Explain how you developed an understanding of the module materials.
You will have developed a range of soft-skills whilst undertaking your studies and producing your assessments, such as communication skills, problem solving skills, critical skills and writing skills. The W202 module assessments will have focussed on these skills. You will have received feedback through your Tutor Marked Assessments on these skills. This feedback would have identified any developmental points. You will be able to reflect upon this feedback and say how this experience has shaped your academic development.
You are expected to provide a personal response from your experience on this module. To support you with this part of the assessment you may focus on some of the following areas in your reflections:
Discuss your academic development on this module.
Explain your strengths and weaknesses whilst dealing with your studies.
Explain how you developed an understanding of the module materials.
Reflect on how you planned for this extended piece of work
Identify any developmental points and say how they will be addressed
Discuss the development of skills.