Explain WHY it is important that event designers understand how to create authenticity.
Exploring the Role of Authenticity in Strategic Event Design
Using the academic and industry literature, write a 3,000 word essay discussing how the creation of authenticity is being used as a principle design aim in the creation of business events.
The essay will follow this structure:
Describe the structure, content and purpose of your essay. The purpose of your essay is to discuss and assess how the creation of authenticity is being used as a principle design aim in the creation of corporate events.
Provide a definition for authenticity, using the academic and industry literature to highlight key understandings of this objective.
Explain WHY it is important that event designers understand how to create authenticity.
Indicate that the key outcome of your synthesis of the available literature will be to form conclusions and make recommendations about how authenticity can be achieved in event design, across different types of corporate events.