Evaluate obstacles to coaching and mentoring from the operational managers’ perspective.

Organisational coaching and mentoring

You are a senior manager, responsible for implementing coaching and mentoring within the organisation and
providing on-going support for that programme.
» TASK 1
In implementing a coaching and mentoring programme, you come across opposition from the operations team
within your organisation. Describe and evaluate these obstacles from the perspective of those within the
operations team.
In your role as manager of the implementation programme, devise two alternative strategies that could be used
to overcome or minimise these obstacles.
Analyse the operational areas that require additional support and using one of the strategies already outlined,
recommend the strategy that would enable you to support the operations team in successfully adopting coaching
and mentoring.
Guideline word count: 1,000 – 1,200 words
A.C. 1.1 – Evaluate obstacles to coaching and mentoring from the operational managers’ perspective.
A.C. 1.2 – Devise strategies to overcome or minimise the operational managers’ issues.
A.C. 1.3 – Analyse those operational areas requiring additional support during adoption of coaching and mentoring.