Evaluate how the industry/sector has managed to tackle inventory management related issues that arose after the COVID-19 breakout.
Global Supply Chain Management
“Coronavirus disease 2019 has brought to light the fact that supply chains function as the veins of our economy and society. Societies and businesses across the world have faced unprecedented challenges due to the disruptions that the coronavirus outbreak, and the consequent great lockdown, have caused.
Individuals, for instance, have dealt with a range of changes in their lives, from self-isolation to difficulties stocking up on essentials.,” https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/MSCRA-05-2020-0011/full/html
Based on the above statement, you are asked to choose a sector/industry , and critically:
Appraise how the supply chain structure has been changed because of the COVID-19 pandemic situation.
Evaluate how the industry/sector has managed to tackle inventory management related issues that arose after the COVID-19 breakout.
Discuss how advanced technologies may help the industry/sector to recover and improve its overall supply chain performance.