Evaluate business issues and articulate these as clear and precise questions in order to frame the analysis of people information.

This course builds on HR metrics, a level-4 module for BAHRM students. It focuses on HR analytics, as well as HR metrics, to support organizational decision making. HR analytics takes students a step beyond HR metrics by not only describing data, but also applying inferential statistical techniques so that students can answer more complex research questions that are of relevance to organizations, such as t-tests, ANOVAs, correlations and regressions.

On successful completion of this course a student will be able to:
1. Articulate the role of HR analytics in evidence-based decision making within
2. Understand how to apply appropriate analytic techniques based on the organisational context and nature of the business question.
3. Evaluate business issues and articulate these as clear and precise questions in order to frame the analysis of people information.
4. Use MS Excel to manage, analyse and present HR information in appropriate ways to inform decision making.
5. Compute inferential statistics to evaluate key business questions such as evaluating the success of HR interventions, the relationship between practice and attitudes, or planning and budgeting.
6. Apply ethical principles to analysing and presenting people information to inform decision making.